Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Ready to Move

As we begin to preparations for moving to our new place we are suddenly aware of just how much space our art supplies take up. Wow.

If you weren't already aware, the week of Christmas we'll be up and leaving our humble abode of some time and upgrading to a fancy new place with the extra space that we need to complete and display our many artistic creations. It's something that we've been wanting to do for a long time now and we've decided to start the new year off right and stop arguing over the dining room table. Never again will we fight over whether to move everything so we can sit down and eat dinner, or stand in the kitchen holding our plates in our hands. Instead we'll have an entire room, complete with it's own walk in closet, to devote solely to our art supplies, marketing supplies, finished works, and business records. We might even be able to entertain now and then.

In the meantime, it's now just a case of getting everything for the move packed up and organized to make the transition as seamless and pain-free as possible. Since it's happening so close to the holidays, busy times for both of us, the pain-free aspect may be a pipe dream, but we'll keep our fingers crossed.

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